
What is the town everybody should visit before they die?

A woman pushing her bike of produce across a busy intersection in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Vietnam is a beautiful beast. And Hanoi is its heartbeat. In all of SE Asia, there are no streets more fast nor more furious. They’re alive, raw and in your face. Literally millions of motorbikes flood the crammed, narrow streets and their horns are the perpetual soundtrack. Street laws and street signs might as well not exist, as relentless waves of traffic mesh and move together. Elderly, rice-hatted women bounce as they carry heavy loads of fruits and vegetables around on their shoulders, while others sit squatted, churning out bowls and bowls of rice and noodles. It might not be the prettiest of places, but there is no other city in SE Asia that visually offer the same Wow factor as Hanoi.

Thanks for your question, Jennifer Morales Harpin!


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  1. constance msewe Reply
    My significant other and i have a passion for traveling also and he also said that hanoi is a beautiful place. I wasnt too thrilled due to our countries past conflict but after doing research i am so excited to visit. Now your post has fueled my desire even more. Your awesome ashley. Love you guys..continue sharing with us the adventures and wonders in life. Constance m

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