
Do ya’ll believe in Western medicine since you’ve been on the eastern side of the world now?

Adrian getting chi nei tsang from Thomas.

When I was violently ill with some sort of stomach bug in Cambodia, I was grateful for access to quick relieving antibiotics (that costs pennies compared to what I would have paid at home). I went ahead and had several vaccinations before leaving the states. When I have difficult cramps or a severe headache, I’ll take a pain reliever, I’m certainly not a purist.

That being said, I prefer the holistic approach to Eastern/Oriental styles of medicine, the acknowledgment and appreciation for the mind, body, spirit connection. My knowledge base is limited but I’ve personally benefited from acupuncture, energywork and herbal medicine to name a few. I believe in the connection between our diet, exercise and our overall well being (although you wouldn’t believe it if you knew how much ice cream I’ve consumed) and creating harmony within as a way to ultimate health.

More natural, holistic approaches would always be my first stop when dealing with my own health but I am grateful for the various options and advances of Western medicine and would not turn them away if needed.

I hope that answers your question 🙂

<– The photo is one of our good friends, Thomas, practicing his newly acquired skills of Chi Nei Tsang (the Chinese tradition of abdominal massage) on Adrian while we were living in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Thanks, Gina Trevino-Kukal. -Ashlie

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